Conduct & Behaviour Policy


This policy explains what is expected from people who attend events involving members of the Knights of Trinity.

This policy includes club officers, members, probationary members, visitors and guests. Visitors and guests are the responsibility of the members who have brought them along.

We reserve the right to amend this Conduct & Behaviour Policy from time to time without prior notice. You are advised to check our club web site regularly for any amendments.

We will always adhere to the requirements of the law as it might apply to the location of any event with which the club is involved.


For club purposes, the Lord President is considered the “owner” of this policy. Any changes requested to this policy should be directed to them in the first instance.


In order to foster the kind of environment that the club wishes to provide, it is essential to be clear about what the club expects from its members. The following General Principles are intended to make this plain.

3.1 Respect

Everyone should treat others with care, consideration and respect.

We expect members to stand against any kind of discriminatory behaviour, harassment of victimisation on the basis of gender, race, sexual preference, political opinion, medical status or circumstance.

This expectation extends beyond the members of the club, from people who work at the venues we use, to members of the public who don’t necessarily understand what we do.

We are at our best when we build communities, rather than divide or destroy them.

3.2 Consent

A good time stops being fun when you feel like your rights are being ignored. Consent is an important concept, essential to the proper function of a modern social order.

We expect our members to seek consent from others before acting, when it seems reasonable that it should be required. (e.g. photography, physical contact, etc.).

3.3 Compliance with law

We have a duty to uphold the law wherever we are holding an event.

We expect our members to lead by example in this regard.

3.4 Protection of property

We should respect property, whether material or intangible, with care – everything around us has taken effort for someone to create.

We expect that our members will take care of the property of others (e.g. in the venues where we operate), and will be considerate of incorporeal property (trademarks, copyrights, etc.)

3.5 Absenteeism & Tardiness

Because our hobby is a group activity, it requires scheduling. However, sometimes life gets in the way of our ability to keep to that schedule.

We expect that our members will exercise their best efforts to let others know if they will be unable to attend or will be late for an event with as much advance notice as possible.

We also expect that members planning to volunteer to help run events will ensure, to the best of their ability, that they can attend all the relevant sessions.

3.6 Policies

Wherever you have a large group of people, things can get hard to manage. Policies and procedures provide clear information about how best to go about things.

We expect that our members will exercise their best efforts to read and follow the club’s polices, and also to challenge them where they feel that they need improvement.

3.7 Collaboration & Communication

If we all work together, then we all win together.

We expect that our members will do their utmost to be friendly and helpful, and they will feel free to communicate any problems or issues they see, rather than ignore them or refuse to take action.


The club may have to take action against members, guests or visitors who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow the General Principles of the club. The Council shall be the final authority on the action to be taken. The action taken may vary depending on the circumstances. Possible consequences will include (although are not limited to):

• Formal reprimand;

• Temporary exclusion from club activities;

• Indefinite suspension from club activities;

• Termination of membership.

Where behaviour affects an organisation with whom the club partners, that organisation will be informed.

In the event of unlawful behaviour, details will be passed to the appropriate authorities.